Fit and Strong at any age!

You’ll benefit from this class no matter your age or physical fitness – whether you’re an athlete or you’ve never exercised in your life. I show movements and exercises for different fitness levels.

This class is perfect for anyone who:

  • wants to be able to continue doing the activities and sports they like no matter their age
  • wants to increase their performance and minimize the risk of injury
  • wishes to improve their health and well-being
  • wants to increase their energy levels
  • is in shape and want to stay in shape, no matter their age
  • wants to get into shape and have strong muscles
  • is starting to feel like they have less energy than they used to have
  • refuses to let age stop them from doing what they love

In this class, I show you movements and exercises* specifically designed to strengthen your body and prepare it for any activity or sport while increasing performance and minimizing the risk of injury.

If you wish to be able to continue to do all the activities and sports you like, you need strength and flexibility in your muscles and joints, as well as strong bones. The movements and exercises I show you give you all that.

Are you ready get/stay Fit and Strong? Let’s go!

Sylvie Grégoire

"*" indicates required fields



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What’s the story behind “Fit and Strong at any age”?

In my mid-fifties, I hurt my shoulder during a training session in the gym and my knee while skating when my foot got caught in a crack in the ice. I tried different things to heal these injuries, but nothing really worked.

When I turned 60, I learned about certain exercises and movements* that were specifically designed to prepare the body for any activity or sport, strengthen the whole body, minimize the risk of injury, and maximize performance.

As I started training this way, my injuries gradually disappeared! And now, 2 ½ years later – at 62 – I’m stronger, more resilient and in better shape than ever!

I was so thrilled about the results that I wanted to share these exercises and movements* with everyone! 🙂

You too can have these amazing results!

Sylvie Grégoire

*The credit for the majority of these exercises and movements goes to Dr. Tommy John.

Disclaimer: Please consult your physician before starting the exercises in this class.

We cannot be held responsible for any harm, injury, or damages that may occur in, or that result from, the performing of these exercises and movements.


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